Kamis, 09 Maret 2017

50 Soal Degrees Of Comparison Dan Kunci Jawaban

Berikut ini yaitu referensi 50 soal Degrees of Comparison dan kunci jawaban. Sengaja saya buat soal translate biar kalian semakin lancar berbahasa Inggris dengan tetap memperhatikan grammar. Yang belum paham atau masih galau bahan degrees of comparison, silahkan dibaca dulu Penjelasan bahan Degrees of Comparison. Semoga apa yang saya bagikan ini bermanfaat untuk kalian yang sedang berguru bahasa Inggris.

 soal Degrees of Comparison dan kunci tanggapan 50 Soal Degrees of Comparison dan Kunci Jawaban

Translate into English !
1. Suaramu lebih merdu daripada bunyi Ariel Noah.
Answer : ..................................................................

2. Farel berguru lebih keras daripada Tino?
Answer : ..................................................................

3. Di manakah taman paling luas di kota ini?Answer : ..................................................................

4. Mengapa buku-bukumu lebih murah daripada buku-buku ku?
Answer : ..................................................................

5. Kami tidak semiskin kau pada ketika ini.
Answer : ..................................................................

6. Bukuku lebih tipis dari pada buku Hasan.
Answer : ..................................................................

7. Berapa buku yang lebih mahal daripada milik kami?
Answer : ..................................................................

8. Siapakah murid paling cendekia di kelasmu?
Answer : ..................................................................

9. Tas siapa yang paling mahal harganya?
Answer : ..................................................................

10. Kamus yang mana yang lebih tebal?
Answer : ..................................................................

11. Kursi merah ini semakin usang semakin jelek, iya kan?
Answer : ..................................................................

12. Lihat ! Andika semakin usang semakin bingung.
Answer : ..................................................................

13. Ceritamu semakin usang semakin mengasyikkan.
Answer : ..................................................................

14. Semakin canggih ponselku, semakin mahal harganya.
Answer : ..................................................................

15. Semakin imut dia, semakin lucu dia.
Answer : ..................................................................

16. Semakin sempit ruangan itu, semakin kotor lantainya.
Answer : ..................................................................

17. Marsya kini lebih manis dari yang dulu.
Answer : ..................................................................

18. Badrun bekerja lebih ceroboh daripada Badri.
Answer : ..................................................................

19. Siapakah laki-laki terpendek di dunia ini?
Answer : ..................................................................

20. Apakah Nadia serajin abang perempuannya?
Answer : ..................................................................

21. Mereka tinggal di rumah yang lebih besar.
Answer : ..................................................................

22. Apa yang paling menantang dari permainan ini?
Answer : ..................................................................

23. Siapa yang lebih kaya dari Bill Gates?
Answer : ..................................................................

24. Soal-soal ini semakin usang semakin sulit bagiku.
Answer : ..................................................................

25. Mobil ini tidak sebagus mobilmu.
Answer : ..................................................................

26. Semakin usang semakin banyak yang membaca artikelku.
Answer : ..................................................................

27. Menurutku, pemain film Korea paling tampan yaitu Kim Soo Hyun.
Answer : ..................................................................

28. Siapa cewek paling manis di desamu?
Answer : ..................................................................

29. Kulitmu tidak seputih kulitku.
Answer : ..................................................................

30. Kerbau tidak dapat berlari secepat kuda.
Answer : ..................................................................

31. Afika minum susu sebanyak Tina.
Answer : ..................................................................

32. Gaji guru setinggi honor polisi.
Answer : ..................................................................

33. Sebanyak 100 siswa pergi ke Bali tadi malam.
Answer : ..................................................................

34. Semakin keras kita berguru semakin pandai kita.
Answer : ..................................................................

35. Semakin usang semakin banyak orang tiba ke Raja Ampat.
Answer : ..................................................................

36. Lebih dari 10 orang tiba ke sini tadi malam.
Answer : ..................................................................

37. Borobudur yaitu Candi terbesar di dunia.
Answer : ..................................................................

38. Gadis yang paling menarik sedang menyanyi di atas panggung.
Answer : ..................................................................

39. Saiful semakin usang semakin tinggi.
Answer : ..................................................................

40. Ibuku mempunyai anak lebih sedikit daripada tanteku.
Answer : ..................................................................

41. Guru terbaik yaitu pengalaman.
Answer : ..................................................................

42. Semakin banyak kau bercerita, semakin saya ngantuk.
Answer : ..................................................................

43. Semakin jauh kamu, semakin saya rindu.
Answer : ..................................................................

44. Tidak ada salahnya punya badan gemuk. Semakin gemuk semakin sexy.
Answer : ..................................................................

45. Apa yang paling kau sukai?
Answer : ..................................................................

46. Bukankah Pluto planet yang paling jauh?
Answer : ..................................................................

47. Kamu sedikit lebih pandai dari saya.
Answer : ..................................................................

48. Dapatkah kau berjalan sedikit lebih pelan?
Answer : ..................................................................

49. Kami merasa sedikit lebih segar.
Answer : ..................................................................

50. Jadilah menyerupai padi, semakin tinggi semakin merunduk.
Answer : ..................................................................

Download 50 Soal Degrees of Comparison

Kunci Jawaban 50 Soal Degrees of Comparison
1. Your voice is more melodious than Ariel Noah's voice.
2. Farel studies harder than Tino.
3. Where is the largest park in this city?
4. Why are your books cheaper than my books?
5. We are not as poor as you at present.
6. My book is slimmer than Hasan's.
7. How many books are more expensive than ours?
8. Who is the smartest student in your class?
9.  Whose bag is more expensive of price?
10. Which dictionary is ticker?
11. This red chair is uglier and uglier, isn't it?
12. Look! Andika is more and more confused.
13. Your story is more and more interesting.
14. The more sophisticated my phone is, the more expensive the price.
15. The cuter she is, the funnier she is.
16. The narrower the room is, the dirtier the floor.
17. Marsya now is more beautiful than she was.
18. Badrun woks more careless than Badri.
19. Who is the shortest man in this world?
20. Is Nadia as diligent as her older sister?
21. They live in a bigger house.
22. What is the most callenge from this game?
23. Who is richer than Bill Gates?
24. These questions are more and more difficult to me.
25. This car is not as good as your car.
26. More and more people read my article.
27. In my opinion, the handsomest Korean actor is Kim Soo Hyun.
28. Who is the prettiest girl in your village?
29. Your skin is not as white as mine.
30. The bufallo can't run as fast as the horse.
31. Afika drinks milk as much as Tina.
32. The teacher's salary is as high as the police's.
33. As many as 100 pupils went to Bali last night.
34. The harder we study, the smarter we are.
35. More and more people come to Raja Ampat.
36. More than 10 people came here last night.
37. Borobudur is the biggest temple in the world.
38. The most interesting girl is singing on the stage.
39. Saiful is taller and taller.
40. My mother has children fewer than my aunt.
41. The best teacher is experience.
42. The more you tell story, the more I am sleepy.
43. The fasther you are, the more I miss you.
44. There is no harm having a fat body. The fatter the sexier.
45. What do you like most?
46. Isn't Pluto the farthest planet?
47. You are little bit smarter than me.
48. Can you walk little bit more slowly?
49. I feel little bit fresher.
50. Be like a rice tree, the higher the more ducked.

Demikianlah 50 Soal Degrees of Comparison dan Kunci Jawaban. Semoga bermanfaat. Jika ada kesalahan pada kunci jawaban, jangan sungkan-sungkan untuk mengingatkan. Kaprikornus pada dasarnya di sini kita sama-sama berguru :)

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